Sunday, December 19, 2010


                 Terrorism is one of the biggest problems for every country. It is a curse for every country. Terrorism has become one of the most important news items these days. Web blogs, Magazines, Newspapers every where there is a spurt of articles related to terrorism. Many crimes are done by terrorist. Though a lot is being written and discussed about this topic, I feel that most of the discussions lack truth and clarity. Sometimes we see that many terrorist are doing crimes. But when we saw about these crimes in newspapers, web blogs and magazines then are wonder because these writes lack of truth and clarity. Again, sometimes many terrorist said that these crimes were done by Muslims by the name of ‘Jihad’ though it was not true.

Many reasons are available for terrorism. All terrorist acts are mainly motivated by three reasons.

1.      Poverty is the main reasons for terrorism. Many terrorist acts are motivated by poverty.
2.      Many terrorists in history said that they chose terrorism after long deliberation because they felt they had no choice.
3.      Social and political injustices are also main reasons for terrorism. People choose terrorism when they are trying to right what they perceive to be a social or political or historical wrong when they have been stripped of their land or rights. 

If the every government should take proper steps for this problem, terrorism must be removed from every country.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Eagles and Falcons

                                                  Eagles are large and most powerful birds to prey.They have broad wings and tails.They make nests on high cliffs or mountains.Most of them are dark colouring.Eagles are considered the elite among birds of prey.This birds have been the emblem of several nation.The golden eagle,stellar eagle and the bald eagle are protected by special laws.Falcon birds are found in most parts of the world and very popular birds for the sport of falconry.Falcons resemble hawks,but there are enough differences between them that falcons belong to a family of their own.Falcons have horny,teeth like projection on the sides of the upper beak that help them tear flesh.Falcon,hunting with trained birds of prey,dates to 1200 B.C. in the East.It was popular in Europe in the Middle Ages.Trained birds were highly prized and the gift of a falcon from the king was considered a mark of favour.This sport is not practised very much today.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Albatrosses and Hummingbirds

                                                  Albatross means ocean's bird.Albatrosses are best adapted to life of the ocean.They go to sea for months, weeks or day.They are drinking sea water,sleeping on the ocean surface and returning to land only to breed.Albatrosses have lons wings which they use for soaring and gliding on air currents.The wandering albatross is the only largest bird to the world.It's the best known in the southern hemisphere.In the days of sailing ships sailors often killed albatrosses for fresh meat despite the belief that killing an albatross brought bad luck.Albatrosses in the North Pacific were almost wipped out before a law was passed to make their nesting ground a reservation.Hummingbirds are the small bird in the world.They are very small,brightly coloured birds.They have thin,pointed bills and wings that beat so fast they make a humming sound.Hummingbirds are all found in the New World.They are very common in tropical South America.Hummingbirds have ability to fly forward,backward and sideways.Thus enabling them to hover from flower to flower in search of honney or nectar.

Hyena and Birds

                                                  The spotted hyena feeds on lion,leftovers and domestic animals.The spotted hyena found on the plains of souther and easter Africa,measures about 5 feet long.The striped hyena is about 4 feet long.This animal customarily feeds on the bodies of dead animals.It is found in north eastern Africa,Arabia and India.Birds have beaks with nostrils,but they do not have a teeth.Birds are the only animals with feathers.The forelimbs of most bird are modified into wings that enable them to fly..They have two legs and when standing are supported on their toes with their heels raiesd off the ground.Birds are warm blooded and lay eggs in nests.Many bird species are now extinct because of change man has made in their natural environment.Growing concern by concervationist,destroying forest,individuals and government has increased efforts  to safeguard the habited of birds and other wildlife.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Flying Lemurs And Bats

                                           A flying lemur does not really fly,but it can glide.It's name actually is colugo,but it is called a flying lemur because it's head resembles that of a lemur.They are found mostly in the East Indies and some parts of the philipines.Flying lemurs are about 16 inches(41 cm) long.The flying lemurs have a membrance that extends from the neck and forefeet to the hindfeet even to the tail.When this membrance is stretched out the animals can leap from a high place and glide for as much as 200 feet(61 m).Bats the only mammals that really fly.They have four extremely long fingers on each hand,while the other finger,or thumb,is short and hooked.The 5 toes on each foot are free,with long,curved claws that bats used to groom their fur and hook themselves to tree.Bats make up the order chiroptera and comprise two distinct groups:fruit bat and insectivorous bats.Fruit bat is larger than the insect-eating members of the bat family.There are 900 species of bats.At night they use their keen hearing and an echolocation system to find their way and the insectivorous bats to catch insects.The fruit bat is one of the largest bats at about 16 inches(41 cm).It feeds on fruits in the  jungles of southeast Asia and estern Australia.Besides,the vampire bat is found in tropical regions of central and South America.It is just 3 inches(8 cm) long.The vampire bat eats nothing but the fresh blood of animals and human.On the ground it is most agile bat,using legs and arms both to run.It may diseases such as rabies.

Monday, October 11, 2010


                                            Insectivores are mammals that food mainly on insects.Moles,Shrews,Hedgehogs and others members of this group.All of them live of in tunnels or burrows.They have many sharp teeth which are well-adapted for feeding on insects.They are among the smallest of mammals.Most of them are only about the size of a mouse.Most insectivorus have no cheekbones.They are usually short-legged with toes on each foot.The golden mole has fur of a shiny gold colour.It lives in central and southern Africa.It is 4 inches(10 cm) long.Where it diggs tunnels in flat grasslands.Besides,the common mole found in Asia,North America and Europe.It is about 6 inches(15 cm) long.It has a short tail,a pointed face and stout,clawed,forefect,which it uses for digging.The hedgehog is found in Europe,China and Korea.It is about  12 inches(30 cm) long.The common hedgehog has spines and coare hair on its round body.When alarmed it picks up and attack him,its spines and roals into a ball.It eats slugs,eggs,snails,mice and snakes.The shrew is among the largest of insectivores and can reach a length of roughly 24 inches(61 cm).The shrew eats fish and sellfish as well as insects.It's found near rivers and streams in tropical Africa.


                                Kangarus,Koalas,Opossums are found in Australia,New Guinea,North America and South America.Kangarus,Koalas and other mammals with pouches belong to the order Marsupialia.When a baby kangaru is born it mskes its way to the pouches attaches itself to one of four nipples feeds on milk secreted there.A baby kangaru stays in the pouches for about six months untill it can live independently.The Koala is found in the forest of Eastern Australia.Koala feeds only on the leaves of the eucalyptus tree.It has a very limited diet.Koalas may grow to 31 inches long but most are about 24 inches long.The opossum is a little animal like a big rat.It lives in North and South American woods.The opossum,a nocturnal marsupial,is form 16 to 20 inches(41 to 51 cm) long.It climbs well.When somebody attacked  him,it will often act dead.